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Advocacy Awareness Week...This is Karen's Story

7th November 2022

HomeNewsAdvocacy Awareness Week…This is Karen’s Story

*Karen is upset and confused as she’s never been on a mental health hospital ward before. This is a scary and distressing environment for her, as well as being away from her family and those who love her.

On top of this, things have been difficult at home and she’s not been herself. She feels that she may need some medication but is too scared to ask for some; and wants someone to just help.

The hospital talk to Gaddum about one of our Independent Mental Health Advocates working with Karen to find out more and to represent her wishes.

Our advocate talks with Karen, understands what she would like to happen, and that she just finds it too scary to talk to the psychiatrist and clinicians. Our advocate represents Karen to the relevant teams, and as a result the psychiatrist arranges to begin treatment.

The great news is that Karen now has what she wanted and needed.

The change an advocate can make to someone’s life is huge.

We’re proud to be part of and supporting Advocacy Awareness Week.

*Names have been changed. To find out more about our advocacy services email or call 0161 834 6069.