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I'll work with you to create change


What is Coproduction?

Coproduction is when people work together on an equal basis to create something. An idea is formed between a group, and they collaborate to make something happen.

At Gaddum we understand the importance of bringing people together to innovate and inspire others. Working with people with a range of lived experience makes our projects unique and relevant to people in the communities we serve.

Our Projects

We work in partnership with Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board to involve those who are experts by their personal experiences to help shape and develop services, and ensure that people’s voices are heard at all levels.

We work with Manchester and Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale Living Well services to provide a forum for people who live in their communities to consult, inform, and co-produce ideas for the service; they even help recruit staff for Living Well.

We offer support to those who run Peer Support Groups across Greater Manchester in the form of forums, training and coproducing sessions and workshops.

We facilitate Carers Focus Groups in Salford which inform the Carers Salford Service on things that are important to carers’ needs. The forum meets regularly and decides on topics and themes that support carers, in addition to coproducing factsheets that are relevant to carers in their community.

Gaddum and Coproduction

In house we also have a coordination group who informs and oversees Gaddum services and projects to ensure the voice of lived experience is involved in everything we do.

This group has created a structure and guide for lived experience participation to ensure that when people join Gaddum they have the support that they need to feel empowered and take part in our work.

For more information and to get involved, email

Survey – Salford Carers

Calling all Salford Unwaged Carers… Fill in this survey to be in with a chance of winning a £50 voucher!

Your answers will help us understand:

  • Your experiences of being a carer in Salford.
  • How supported you feel by Health & Social Care services.

Survey responses will feed into refreshing the Salford All Age Carers Strategy.

Thank you to the amazing 19 Salford Carers who helped shape the survey, so it’s reflective of carers’ experiences; and to our Health & Social Care partners for their involvement.

I hate forms, I feel sure I'm going to do it wrong and so fail. My support worker filled in the application for me like it was an ordinary thing to do.


You’re the first person to seem to actually understand, care and most of all-believe me... and I hope you can understand why I’m taking the time to tell you how much I appreciate it.

Advocacy client

My counsellor was very gifted. She didn’t give solutions, but she guided me to find my own. She was very empathetic and very professional.

Counselling client