It’s World Suicide Prevention Day on Saturday 10 September 2022.
There is help and support out there for you if you are struggling with depression, anxiety or having suicidal thoughts. Here is a list of some charities and organisations who can help you, including where to go for financial help in light of the cost of living crisis. You are not alone.
Help and Support
In order to offer therapy to people who might not be able to get it elsewhere, we’ve set up our own, affordable, adult counselling service.
We request that you make a small, regular contribution to help cover the cost based on your household income. We will discuss and agree this with you at your initial assessment appointment, which is free.
The Samaritans – 116 123, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Contact HOPELINE UK 9am-midnght, 365 days a year for free, confidential suicide prevention support and advice. Call 0800 068 414.
Are you 11-18 and struggling with your emotional wellbeing? Kooth can help – it’s a free, safe, anonymous online community where you can get free counselling, self-help tools, and chat with others.
SHOUT provide a confidential text chat anytime, anywhere, whatever the difficulty. Just text SHOUT to 85258.
ZunTold is a new online trauma informed counselling service combining therapeutic writing and practitioner support for Salford residents (18+).
You don’t have to be JK Rowling to participate, the process is about expressing yourself and you’ll receive guided support from the counselling team. For more information email or call or text 07974 190 136.
Silvercloud’s Space from Alcohol programme is designed to help break down barriers for people who feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable taking the first step to assess their relationship with alcohol.
Suicide Bereavement Support
Any bereavement is hard but losing someone to suicide can bring different challenges. You don’t have to deal with your grief alone.
Greater Manchester Bereavement Service can find the right support for you. Call 0161 983 0902, Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.
Financial Support
Facing financial problems can be very stressful and impact on your mental health. Salford Citizens Advice offer lots of support and advice. Call 0808 278 7802, Monday – Friday 9am – 4pm.
If you’re struggling with money worries right now, you are not alone. Mind in Salford offers free, confidential advice surrounding debt for people in Salford. Call 0161 710 1070.
Salford Food bank provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis.
The National Gambling Treatment Service provides confidential treatment and support for anyone experiencing gambling related harms. Call for free, 24/7, on 0808 8020 133.