In May 2022, Gaddum was shortlisted in several categories in the National Advocacy Awards.
The National Advocacy Awards celebrate the difference the advocacy community makes and shouts about outstanding practice, people, and organisations. These awards recognise excellence within advocacy and congratulate exceptional contributions to the field of advocacy across the UK.
Gaddum Advocacy was shortlisted 4 times across 3 categories for the National Advocacy Awards:
Outstanding Advocate – Francesca Galley
Outstanding Advocate – Paul Molloy
Outstanding Service – Gaddum Advocacy
Outstanding Contribution to Equality and Diversity – Culturally Appropriate Advocacy Pilot
We would like to extend our congratulations to the entire of Gaddum Advocacy for demonstrating outstanding practice on a national level and this could not have happened without the dedication of our wonderful Advocates.
Congratulations also to our colleagues Francesca and Paul for being 2 of the 4 Advocates to be shortlisted nationally for the ‘Outstanding Advocate’ category. Thank you for your commitment, expertise, and hard work.
We continue to work hard on our Culturally Appropriate Advocacy Pilot and would like to extend our thanks and congratulations to our fantastic partners African and Caribbean Mental Health Services.
The National Advocacy Awards ceremony was held on Thursday 12 May 2022 in Birmingham and a delegation from Gaddum and ACMHS were in in attendance.