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Extension of our Culturally Appropriate Advocacy Pilot

31st March 2022

HomeNewsExtension of our Culturally Appropriate Advocacy Pilot

We are pleased to announce that our Culturally Appropriate Advocacy Pilot, in partnership with African and Caribbean Mental Health Services and funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, has been extended.

The pilot enables people of a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) background to have improved access to our advocacy services.

According to The Independent Review, people from Black Asian and Minority Ethnic groups are more likely to be detained under the Mental Health Act than other ethnic groups, and report worse outcomes during their care and treatment.

People are able have their say in their care and treatment during detention, and improve satisfaction in their care.

We have also increased access to culturally appropriate advocacy, for example if people have particular language requirements; or if people prefer to have an advocate of a particular gender etc.

We provide advocacy services to people in in-patient psychiatric settings, in the community and in one to one sessions.

We also provide training and information sessions for small organisations and community groups.

For more information, please contact Lily Huggins, Advocacy Manager on