Tyler Richards, our Cultural Advocate, shares a typical day working on our Culturally Appropriate Advocacy Project:
9am – The day begins responding to emails whilst preparing for the day. Followed by awakening my senses with a Yorkshire tea. Yes, Yorkshire. No other caffeinated tea is allowed in my flat.
10am – The wards we are based in are very busy and hardworking. Calling the wards to ensure they are aware of our appointed workshops is important. We discuss activity space, ward update around Covid and current health of our clients.
11am – A chat with my lovely colleague Denise about our upcoming session. Together we’ll discuss our approach and plan/activity for the group workshops. Due to the confidentiality and privacy of cases we offer both group and 1-1 delivery during the session.
12.30pm – We arrive at the wards (lunch or coffee break depending on time) to meet with the staff or Occupational Therapists (OT). This is our time to prepare the space, potentially chat with new patients and arrange any additional support for our clients.
Here is an example of the structure of the session:
List of clients followed by an introduction.
Group discussion and activity
Due to the nature and free flow of group sessions topics and structure of the workshop may change. The aim of our sessions is to create a respectful, laid back environment where clients are comfortable to speak on their experiences as a BAME patient. Clients are assured this is their space where expression of culture is encouraged. We bring the option for activities such as card/board games, table tennis alongside refreshments & snacks.
1-1 support (if needed)
We offer 1-1 services with clients who want to discuss their case privately. 1-1 usually involves a more a statutory approach around the clients care and treatment. If a client is uncomfortable discussing their lived experience; have a private request or sensitive issues around the ward it is important we provide a confidential setting and that every client is informed of this option.
Close session
2pm – Once the session is closed. Denise and I discuss any action plans of any follow ups and requests from our clients. This may involve chasing up requests, sign posting to other services or speaking to the ward on the client’s behalf.
3pm – Our sessions are documented through our evaluation webforms. I will document the group advocacy work whilst my colleague will input the individual evaluation forms.
4pm – To evidence my day of work the last hour will be spent logging my case minutes onto our shared database. Followed by a list of tomorrows task as every advocacy day is different. I will end the day following up calls/emails and update our team leader on the sessions.
Click here more information on our culturally appropriate advocacy service.